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Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Patrick Semple

A photo found in a Dublin antique dealer's recently. On back in pencil written 'Patrick Semple'. Anyone with any ideas contact.

Patrick Semple contacts to tell that this "is quite likely to be Patrick Semple who was Professor of Classics at the Old Royal University of Ireland that became UCD.
There is a photograph in Ellman's biography of James Joyce in which he and Joyce along with a few others appear."

(4.9.2011) And indeed there is, another  reader sends in a copy. Semple standing on extreme right, James Joyce standing second left.

(The Dictionary of Ulster Biography  has a ref to Patrick Semple. )

1 comment:

  1. I know of Patrick Semple. He lived in Derry and my people and him lived close to one another.
    He has an uncle buried in the Long Tower Hraveyard.
